If you have a TSS 482 approved it is possible to change employers, only after the following requirements have been met:

  1. The new employer must become an Approved Business Sponsor (Stage one of the 482 Process)
  2. A Nomination application must be lodged for the same nominated Occupation as you currently hold.
    • You cannot start working for the new employer until the sponsorship and nomination are approved.
    • You need to be aware of the conditions on your 482 visa such as 8607, which says that your visa should be cancelled if you cease working for more than 180 days.

As part of the Australian Government's Migration Strategy released in December 2023, there are significant changes to the 482 visa condition 8607 from 1 July 2024. These changes are aimed at reducing the exploitation of immigrants in Australia and providing more flexibility for visa holders.

Summary of Changes:

  • Extended Period to Find a New Sponsor: Employer-sponsored visa holders will have 180 days to find a new sponsor if they quit or are fired (previously it was only 60 days).
  • Maximum Total Period: A maximum of 365 days in total across the entire visa grant period.
  • Flexibility in Employment: During this period, visa holders are allowed to work for different employers, including in occupations not listed in their most recently approved sponsorship nomination. This flexibility ensures that visa holders can support themselves financially while searching for a new sponsor.

If you want to change employers and also to change positions, then you will need to consider the following three stages:

  1. The new employer must become an Approved Business Sponsor (Stage one of the 482 Process)
  2. A Nomination application must be lodged for the same nominated Occupation as you currently hold.
    • You cannot start working for the new employer until the sponsorship and nomination are approved.
    • You need to be aware of the conditions on your 482 visa such as 8607, which says that your visa should be cancelled if you cease working for more than 180 days.
  3. You may need to also lodge a new visa application.  If the new position is a different occupation, then the Department of Immigration may need to check if you have the required skills for the new occupation.


  • Notification Requirement: Sponsors must notify the Department if a visa holder ceases work within 28 days, whether the visa holder resigns or their employment is terminated.
  • Employment Restrictions: Unless exempt, visa holders cannot work for another employer unless they have ceased work with their sponsoring employer.
  • Nominated Occupation: Visa holders must remain in their nominated occupation while working for their existing sponsor.
  • Licensing and Registration: Visa holders must not do any work inconsistent with any licence or registration needed for their nominated occupation.

Do you need help?

Our team of experience Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents look forward to assisting you with your Australian visa or appeal.

Based in Adelaide South Australia, we provide Australian Immigration advice to people and businesses from all over the world.

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We recommend you seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent and Lawyer
(such as Work Visa Lawyers) in relation to your factual situation and relevant migration laws

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