Work Visa Lawyers team at Adelaide

Pictured: the team at our Adelaide office

Call to make an appointment or speak with us today

Phone (overseas): +61 8 8351 9956
Phone (in Australia): 08 8351 9956
Fax: +61 8 8125 5987
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: workvisalawyers (video conference by appointment)
WeChat: we chat

Our office hours

Monday to Friday
9:00am to 5:00pm
Click here for current Adelaide time

We realise that life can get in the way of scheduling arrangements. For your convenience:

  • We are available for arranged appointments after hours and on weekends.
  • We are available for arranged skype (video conference) appointments.
  • There is free parking at the rear of our offices.

Office Location

212 Port Road, Hindmarsh, SA 5007

We are conveniently located 5 minutes from the CBD and 7 minutes from the airport.

There is free parking at the rear of our offices.

Postal Address

PO BOX 3057, Hilton Plaza, South Australia, 5033

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Meet Chris Johnston & Luke Edwards

Chris Johnston - Principal Lawyer and Migration Agent at Work Visa Lawyers

Chris Johnston

Principal Lawyer

Chris Johnston completed a Bachelor of Law with Honours at the University of New England (NSW) in 2005.

Chris is a member of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA). The MIA is the peak professional body for registered migration agents. As a member of the MIA, Chris stays abreast of all migration legislation and policy changes and other issues relevant to the migration advice profession.

Chris has served as SA State President for the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) and a Director on the National Board of the MIA.

Practice areas for Chris include:

  • Global Talent Visa Subclass 858
  • Employer Sponsored Migration - 482 Visa, 457 Visa, RSMS 187 Visa and ENS 186 Visa.
  • GSM Skillselect visas including subclass Skilled Independent 189, Skilled Nominated 190 and Skilled Work Regional 491 Visa
  • Business Innovation and Investment Visa 188 including Significant Investor Visa 188C
  • Family Migration including Partner Visa, Parent Visa applications
  • MRT and Judicial Review
  • Australian Citizenship, Resident Return Visa

Learn more about Chris >>

Luke Edwards - Legal Research Assistant

Luke Edwards

Associate Lawyer

Luke has completed a Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Science and a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice. He was admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court of South Australia in February 2018.

During his studies of law, he has pursued an interest in migration through undertaking courses in Migration Law and Policy, as well as Refugee Law and Policy.

Luke is a member of the Law Society of South Australia.

Luke has experience in dealing with:

  • Employer-sponsored visas, including the 400, 482, 494, 186 and 187 visas
  • Partner visa applications
  • Administrative Appeals Tribunal reviews
  • Character considerations including convictions
  • Australian citizenship
  • Business visas

Learn more about Luke >>

Learn about our people >>

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Work Visa Lawyers works on Kaurna Land
We acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and
Elders of this land and this nation, and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational
practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This site's contents are for general information purposes only
We recommend you seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent and Lawyer
(such as Work Visa Lawyers) in relation to your factual situation and relevant migration laws

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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