
我前几年使用了几个华人的移民中介,但是结果并没有使我很满意。所以我开始寻找本地澳洲人开的移民中介。然后我很有兴的被一位外国友人推荐到了Work VIsa Lawyers 这个签证律师行。


Chris 是澳大利亚移民协会(MIA)的成员,他有着很渊博的移民法律知识,他会在移民法的框架下,给你出具最好的移民方案。这家律师行的员工都很热情和礼貌,都会及时帮您准备材料和跟进。现在他们为了更好的服务华人市场也雇用了很优秀的华人员工。




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Work Visa Lawyers works on Kaurna Land
We acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and
Elders of this land and this nation, and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational
practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This site's contents are for general information purposes only
We recommend you seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent and Lawyer
(such as Work Visa Lawyers) in relation to your factual situation and relevant migration laws

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